Officers Reports


Morty – One event, couple of demos. We need focus on a fighter/fencing practice regularly. I want to hold a regional practice. We want to pull from Malagentia and Endewearde, have people come and see what we are doing as a group. Looking for places to hold these. I have about ½ acre through work by Red Barn, and can have bathroom access. We need a timeframe for this. Sept when we should look at for that time frame.

Dave Poulin – Should be within a week or two of Balloon Fest.

Chris – Sept 17th is Harvest Moon.

Morty – Endewearde said they would cancel their practice to come to ours. A solid dated? 10th -11th? What about 24-25? Shoot for 10th or 11th?

Stacy – 11th would be best.

CeCe – I work all Sundays, so I can’t be there for water bearing.

Morty – Timeframe? Noon to five?

Dave P – Like at Stacy & Kendra’s or a regular practice?

Morty – Regular. I’m putting it out there as the 10th or 11th.

Dave P – Put it up and people will tell you your thoughts. Let’s put it up for the same day as Endewearde’s, so they’re more likely to come.

Morty – There’s time after church for travel and stuff. So I’ll post that for the 11th. Now, for my original point, I want practices set. I’m hitting up a few places, but we need to see what we can find. I think I can get a fort for the summer, but no light, no water. Trying to see what we can find out?

Stacy – Augusta school system?

Kim – They suck.

Dave P– You need someone in there to get into. Armory, don’t know.

Stacy – It would be expensive. Normally ask a boatload of money.

Kim – VFW?

Dave P – The don’t want us on their floor.

Morty – Grange halls?

Kendra – Manchester?

Morty – Can’t get a number.

CeCe – Masonic hall?

Kim – Paul might have an in?

Paul – Several.

Dave P – What about someplace we have to charge like $5 a head?

Morty – One of the places will be per head, so.

Kim – More fighters, we have money in our account. Add another event to help with the costs?

Stacy – Depends on the cost.

Morty – That’s what I put forth.


Paul – 1,826.17


Dave P – Name approved, waiting on device, nothing until way after Pennsic. I’m not submitting until someone knows what they’re doing.


Kendra – I’ve been warranted. I need releases from people so I can put things in, like Kim’s recipes and pictures from people and the like. Most of the releases that have been signed were signed for the website, not the newsletter.


Sara – Not a heck of a lot going on right now as we are in season.

Kendra – Send you all info on tents and all A&S we are doing, like all my tablet weaving, so you can keep track of it?

Sara – Yes, I need it in writing. I Started a rhubarb mead.

Kim – The Swiss chard mead is kick ass.

CeCe – Kim won the populous vote against Ludwig at GNEW! (Vivant!)


CeCe – Some contacts have been in touch with me and I’ve pushed them to where they need to be (fencing, fighting, etc.). A woman at the bank is interested after seeing me in garb. I’ve passed out about 25 disks at work. I get talking to people while they wait for something, and they seem interested. These tokens have been wonderful. We need a lot more for the GFBF, and need more in the parade. We need more than fighters in the parade, more of who we are. Other than that, water bearing, yay!



Stacy – Anyone in mind for marshals for our practice

CeCe – Two new RB squires!

Dave P – Perhaps the squires should work on becoming marshals

Morty – Both are marshals in training.

CeCe – Ed is big on both of them becoming marshals


Morty – Not much going on right now, as we are in season.


Chris – It’s still going good, but it’s season, so people are shooting at events. I’m taking up thrown weapons so I can shoot war points for both at Pennsic. It takes total cumulative score. Anything you score is good. And, I got my blue belt from Otto at GNEW. (Vivant!)

Dave P – They only count one score per person per day, then they’re added up per day.

Chris – If you actually score your war points for two events, complete, you get a token for it. Insanity token for doing all four, and something stupid special for doing it.


Paul – I’d like to get approval to spend more of our budget to acquire thrown weapons for loaners. I’m having a hard time replacing it.

Morty – How much?

Paul – $105 for 3 axes. You want them to be good, $35 each. The cheap stuff doesn’t hold up.

Dave P – Loaner gear isn’t the good stuff to push them to get their own.

Stacy – We don’t want it breaking.

Morty – I’m good for three axes and a set of knives. Everyone cool? (yes)

Web Minister

Stacy – A bit here and there, keeping things up to date. And we’ve kind of talked Dave Schulze into helping us, being my deputy! (Vivant!)

Morty – Alcohol is a good thing!

Dave S – We talked

Stacy – There’s plenty more to do, but it’s season and I’m making things.


Paul – CeCe and I have submitted to be approved.

CeCe – Two more youth leaders.

Sara – Brooke is still trying to get hers done as a first timer.

CeCe – It was simple, just jumping through the hoops.

Callie – Morty and I have ours too.

Morty – Paul & CeCe, good luck and thank you.

Old Business

Morty – The Whatever Festival.

Stacy – Went well. We learned to put more of a barrier, which we will try at GFBF.

Dave P – I have the spikes, and I think we should get some orange rope, cheap.

CeCe – I have a Walmart discount card.

Morty – How much?

Dave P – At least 200′

Stacy – I used most of 200 feet at WF.

CeCe – We need more than one height, to keep the littlest out of the ring.

Stacy – There will be one barrier for the fighters, then another for the viewers, with space between the two barriers. But you’re right, we do need a lower level for the littles. About 400 feet to be safe.

Dave P – I move to buy 400 feet of nylon yellow rope in time for GFBF.

CeCe – Second!

Morty – Anything to say, comments?

Dave P – It’s less than $8 for 100 feet, 400 should do well.

Morty – Vote? All in favor? (Majority, no abstentions.)

Morty – Anything else for WF?


Sara – Why me? (As everyone looked to her.)

Morty – Thanks for volunteering.

Sara – Nothing really happened. Anne came by to apologize for not having much for me to do.

John – I call bullshit!

Sara – I was there to appoint things to be done by other people.

Stacy – Facilities was covered.

John – At GNEW someone came up and said they’re putting in a bid to autocrat GNEW next year. He asked if I’d do Facilities for him. I said no, give me time to forget about it.

Stacy – When Speedbump did it, he only did it every other year because of burnout. Take it for what it’s worth.

John – I didn’t stop other than to marshal. Setup was great, I had volunteers for everything. I like to see things done myself, like an Anne thing.

Morty – It appeared seamless.

John – I’m glad for that. The only thing I’d like to say is tear-down sucked. I had Stacy, Lucien, a couple of my kids, and that’s all I can say from start to finish.

Stacy – Bison helped.

Morty – Did you take notes to improve upon next time.

John – I deal with a lot of this, so I remember this, but I haven’t even gotten my thank yous out yet.

Morty – We need to make sure we have more for take-down.

John – I expected a lot of my Thunder brothers who I thought should have been there. It was a combination of everyone. I put out a call, but didn’t lock them in. if it wasn’t for Stacy and a few others from Malagentia, I wouldn’t have been torn down until well after dark. Everything of mine was up, and most belongs to Thunder.

CeCe – Are you addressing that at Friend’s and Family?

John – Yes! Overall, a lot of people stepped up for what needed to be done. Next year there are lots of pointers, I should write them down.

Heather – I’ll ask him later.

John – From the start I put out letters to the heads of everything, and asked what they needed. Out of all of the areas only one came back with what was really needed. Deormond (sp?) from archery. He told me exactly what he needed, and that’s what I need to know. But I don’t know… Most emails were, ‘everything I had last year’. It was crazy. There needs to be something written down. Speedbump made this all happen. He knows everything needed, stored, and where it is. He needs more people who know how to put these tents up.

Stacy – One thing he (Speedbump) said, they used to leave all the stuff in an area, and there was a crew to assemble it, but they didn’t get the tents right. Just a thought. Baroness Molly asked him to train people to know how to put these tents up.

Heather – Our children know how to put up most of them.

Stacy – People’s judgment seems really off if they don’t know what they’re doing.

Chris – An EKU should have how to set up tents.

John – At every event, come down and set up tents. Half those tents only get used at GNEW.

Chris – Pinkies get put up a lot.

John – Find out you’re running Facilities well before, not a month and half before, like I did. I didn’t finalize truck rental until a week before the event. Everywhere I looked was 700-800 for a week. $352 was the budget last year. I called the same place and they cut us a deal. It was $100 more, but we got it last minute. It was rough, so it’s wise to learn ahead of time. Someone should have told me earlier. The last meeting was mandatory, and that was my first meeting.

Heather – Request it doesn’t rain on tear-down day.

CeCe – Better than hot and sunny. Having water-beared in 104*, I’d rather be soaked and chilled to the bone. It was so much easier because you were not as hot.


Sara – Great meeting last week, finalized a lot. Chuck mentioned that Marcus wants to be marshal in charge, and it’s confirmed. Hammered out a schedule with Morty. I have copies for everyone! Still looking for volunteers for info point and photo booth.

Dave – Old kids garb can be used

Callie – I have a bunch of outgrown stuff.

Chris – And props! Horns, cups, swords. Things for people to hold.

Dave – Foam, plastic, no steal.

Sara – I’ve asked to use Thunder castle walls. (John rolls his eyes) One pop up, three sides with castle walls. How big are they?

John – How big do you want them? I used them to cover the trailer.

Kendra – I heard a number of comments on the walls over the trailer at GNEW. People really liked that the trailer was covered the way it was, added to the medieval feel of it all.

John – Don’t depend on me for anything that weekend. My work schedule is screwed up.

Chris – The other thing is, for the photo booth, also take photos and let them know they will be on our FB page, so they can see them there.

Sara – Shield painting, finger loop braiding by Annika, headbands for little girls, coloring as well. Foam Thor’s Hammer – thrown weapons. Paul, there’s only small windows for thrown weapons.

CeCe – That’s a problem, he’s fighting during one of those times.

Sara – There’s no fighting in the morning, and the big battle is at three. No kids thrown on Saturday at all, only Sunday so you won’t go crazy.

Dave – Do we have to change things a bit so thrown can be done?

Chris – Does the person have to be a marshal?

Morty – For the foam? No, not for that.

CeCe – We asked them for $50 for the GFBF.

Sara – We need paint. Tiffany is working on the banners. Cindy hurt herself, so she can sit and do these thing. We need a painted copy of the Ravensbridge device for sitting in front of for pics.

Morty – What else do we need?

Dave – I need the ream of paper to print everything out for it, with events coming up after.

Sara – A thousand?

Dave – We only handed out 30 out of the couple hundred coming through the Whatever Festival.

Sara – There’s people who are commenting strange things on the FB page, and there’s a lot of people going and interested.

Morty – It’s over three days, so…

Dave – Saturday was over 1000 people through last year.

Sara – I haven’t told Mel that we are doing our own family day in our area.

Morty – How are we getting our schedule out there?

Stacy – I have no clue if it makes sense, but would it make sense to get pavement paint or chalk to point people in our direction?

Sara – Going across the bridge?

Stacy – Sidewalk chalk so they don’t get mad at us.

Sara – Hopefully the crazy lady won’t be on the bridge pulling our stuff down again this year, after warning me that it would be torn down by people.

Morty – Tokens, banner, what else?

Tracie – Tokens on 12th at Craft Night!

Kendra – We should be able to get the tokens done that night, three of us did them last year at Craft Night. This isn’t an SCA craft night, but you’re more than welcome to join us! Let me know if you’re interested.

Morty – Beyond that, we are having a blood drive on Friday, 11:30-5 at GFBF. Anything else?

Dave P – Ed is urging his household to help out at GFBF. So we might get more from outside the RB.

Morty – Anything else for Old Business?

Dave P – The nominations.

Morty – Next month. Wanted to do it after Pennsic, before Christmas.

NEW Business

Morty – I got the green light to get us out of incipiency. We need a polling, zip codes, current officers with proof of SCA membership – updated copy of blue cards.

Dave P – Photocopies, scans, emails are good.

Morty – Bring them over. (Morty scans blue cards of officers with his phone.

Dave P – We need Turner and Readfield.

Callie – It makes sense by who goes to what schools.

Dave P – I talked to Natalie, she ran to Kyppyn, but he killed it early on.

CeCe – What happened to our incipiency letters. They were up our butts for them, but they went in a shoebox.

Morty – Doesn’t matter, they are gone.

CeCe – My point exactly!

Morty – I need letters from all officers about why they believe we need to be out of incipiency.

Dave P – I have a template.

Morty – Paul, CeCe, Dave, I need yours. I think I have the rest.

Dave P – You have mine.

Paul – You will get ours.

Morty – I need a list of events listed, including demos, practices and all of that. Just to emphasize what Dave P said, let me know.

Dave P – Other classes taught at other events are pluses.

Stacy – And dayboards at events. Two last Harvest Moons for dayboards.

Morty – A letter from the herald saying group name has passed.

Dave P – It’s done. That’s way above my pay-grade.

Morty – I want this done before elections which will stall it longer. I need all info to move on ASAP!

Morty – Noms next meeting, scheduled for August 16th at the bank, post Pennsic. You do need blue cards to vote!

Dave P – To be elected, you need a blue card.

CeCe – To carry a proxy, email to who?

Dave P – To Kendra and Morty, both. Not either.

Callie – How old to vote?

Kendra – Sixteen.

Morty – Dave P has a blue card and I want him involved. But I want all people to vote who is interested in voting, not just those who are in this room, who are at most of the meetings. I want people to vote, to be involved! (To Dave S.) If you didn’t know there was a meeting today from talking at GNEW, would you know there was a meeting tonight?

Dave S – Exactly!

Dave P – We need a list of people who have blue cards in our area.

Dave S – Do we have a list?

Dave P – We can only get names and zip codes and find them.

Dave S – What do you need to vote?

Chris – Bylaws?

Dave P – Reads bylaw about voting. (online in the FB group)

Chris – We need to pin it to our RB FB page. We should just post it. No one will want to go read it in the bylaws, it’s just not something people do.

Morty – Stacy, can you, in a short period of time, can you pin all that? And please get involved. Your voice is important, please speak up. Any other ideas about reaching people in our area?

Morty – Knight Marshal ideas?

Dave P – We don’t need one.

CeCe – Perly has made noises. You don’t have to be marshal to be Knight Marshal.

Dave P – Ed is changing things in a big way.

John – Looking at marshals being tested and reauthorized regularly.

Dave P – We don’t need that at this point, but it would be nice.

Morty – Exchequer and Web Minister are officers we need, and we have them, and a number of others.

Dave P – Ed (Marcus) brought up something. Do we want Riding, or full shire status? Riding is theoretically under Malagentia, as the head of Malagentia is not our friend.

Stacy – Yes, she is

Chris – Yes, she is our friend and supports us a lot! We are ways away from being our own group. Walk before we run.

Morty – A before B.

Chris I don’t mind leapfrogging, but not yet.

CeCe – Malagentia needs us more than we need them.

Morty – Mal has a meeting on Monday. I’m going to bring up points. I want to make sure we have net worth and volunteers.

Dave P – Brought up that a local deputy should have a key to the storage unit.

CeCe – I nominate Johnny to be deputy quarter master. Do I hear a second?

(Crickets as everyone stares at John who glares.)

Morty – Anything else?

CeCe – Move to dismiss

Dave – Second!