Business Meeting Minutes 04/18/2019

Attendance: Sigrid (Sara) Magnus (Chris) Aloysius (Stacey) Magnus Morte (Jason)

Mairghread Huntley (Kendra) Callie Tim Naemr (Brandon)

Audrey (Danielle) Edmund (Paul) John and Mara via web

Seneschal :

Malagentia meeting possibly will be seeking a new place for GNEW in upcoming years seeking volunteers for committee location will need to have at least 37 acres of open area to accommodate the size of this event moving forward

New authorization forms are out for the Marshalls

Malgentia is still accepting submissions for provincial honors

Most recently Audrey received the Queens Order of Esteem at Mudthaw

History of RavensBridge is currently in process Mairghread and Edmund have been working on this.

Exchequer: There have been no changes since March meeting

Herald: Magnus is still waiting to work on submitted name prospects and is hoping to start devices as soon as people give him something to work with

Chronicler: Newletter submitted for approval Minutes sent to webminister and seneschal for posting

A&S: lots of projects happening Largesse items being worked on at a rapid pace upcoming largesse making events are on the schedule 04/24 Braiding Lucet and Finger Looping 05/01 embroidery and sewing cup covers and sewn pouches 05/08 Jewelry and hook making 05/15 felt projects

Chatelaine: Report is overdue Schola is this weekend John will be dropping stuff off that Mara was bringing as Mara will be unable to participate

WebMinister: Our Website is up and fully functioning and is being updated as often as needed Aloysuis asked for assistance with posting to social media regarding events happening many offered help and Mara and Edmund will have administrative permissions

Chancellor Minor: Report submitted no further information at this time

Marshall Activities

6+ dozen arrows have been crafted

? regarding planning of Harvest Moon no information available at this time

Repurposing and Building new targets for Archery is in the current planning stages some previous targets being donated by Malagentia

Old Business: Badge submission for is complete

Zipcodes have officially been transferred (RavensBridge has the same current populace as Enderwearde)

H&M site walk has been completed there is a Map serving as current placement for event

Will need to highly publicize event and new location of event so as to encourage participation.

GNEW : received official declaration of war from StoneMarche many have participated in attempted coercion it has been agreed at this point that StoneMarche will side with Enderwearde on the battle field but will support RavensBridge for largesse competition. RavensBridge will continue to seek allies on and off the battle field

Reports due prior to next meeting Exechequer

Next Meeting 05/16

Upcoming events :

04/20 Spring Schola

04/24 Weekly Practice at Manchester Elementary School and Braiding Lucet and Finger Looping

05/01 Weekly Practice at Manchester Elementary School and embroidery and sewing cup covers and sewn pouches

05/11 GNEW and Balloon Festival Meeting

05/04 Test Kitchen Bradbury Mountain

05/08 Weekly Practice at Manchester Elementary School and Jewelry and hook making

05/15 Weekly Practice at Manchester Elementary School and felt projects

05/19 Regional Fencing Practice

Meeting adjourned 08:07 PM