Minutes of the meeting from September 20, 2018

Ravensbridge Business Meeting Minutes for 09/20 Officers Present :
Magnus Surtsson (Chris)
Sara Roy [added by SCM]
Stacy Morang
Jason Morton

Finance report: minimal changes – dollar amount not provided +/- 25 dollars from Balloon Festival
Molly has 4 receipts no yet submitted for expenses
Jason will provide start up cash for Dayboard operation this weekend.
Heralds Report: N/A
A&S Minister Report: nothing to report at this time
Charletaine report: 11 requests for information at the Balloon Festival, Introductory email sent by Sara no further communication at this time. Balloon Festival was a successful event.
Update on news letter no progress at this time
Set times for A& S instruction, gathering, and discussion. This was discussed but not planned at this time. Further discussion needed.
Web minister: site is up and needs some revision
Social media policy discussed briefly with understanding that it will need tweaking as it becomes more widely used.
Brief discussion for need of Social Media officer for RavensBridge
Old business:

Gym availability for fencing practice is in process paperwork to be completed to establish continued use of previous location utilized
Vector File waiting for official copy to be sent image has been approved. Continued follow up Badge ideas tabled until next meeting Oct 18th.
Boundaries of RavensBridge discussed with discussion on solidifying boundaries and clear realm borders. Tabled further discussion until next month Magnus to bring list of towns currently within boundaries and Map to be brought to attempt to clarify current map. Discussion briefly about avoiding political debates until new leadership is in place .
Harvest Moon this coming Saturday at Hebron Pines
Volunteers needed for Gold Key in the main barn
Possible new event discussed Yule Ball around Dec 5th ish in Canton. Some discussion of not in our area overall positive response for interest in event may need to discuss location in more depth. All welcome to event not just RavensBridsge. This point made very clear as in the past this type of event did not work.
Spring Schola at public library
Discussion of need for bigger space not this year will be at previous location 50$ budget set for advertising. Will plan for more activities for younger children as last year that was a challenge . Most activities planned are for teen and up age group
One idea was for book marks to be made for library to hand out this was a very popular idea
This is a minimal cost event as the only real cost at this time is advertising

Discussion regarding Hugnin and Muninn event inclusing rebranding event
Location is potentially lost new location being examined Meeting with horsefarm lady next month for a walk through ? running water and restroom accessibility
Is property realistic for daytrips only or overnight events as well
Other locations discussed
Pine Tree Camps bonus of handicap accessibility
Durham Leisure Center Camp ground
Stacy to investigate camp in Winthrop utilized by his employer
Types of events to include Archery Thrown Weapons and A& S
Ideally would like lake or pond accessibility for flaming arrows display
To win competition must compete in all 3 events
Rebranding to Ullr competition Norse god early spring or late fall early winter event snow shoeing
Themed tasks discussed would like to grow event from previous 75 attendees
Congrats to Stacy Morang newest Archery Marshall
Next Meeting October 18th Winthrop House of Pizza 7PM
November declarations and nominations for December [January – SCM] Elections

-Amy Osborne