Greetings to the populace of the East Kingdom,

We continue to be in a phase of transition as various states/provinces within the Kingdom re-open for public activity in several stages. All who wish to return to in-person activities in the East must follow their state/province and local government requirements, and these Kingdom guidelines. We also strongly recommend following the safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control. We continue to honor the choices of those who will be refraining from public gatherings for quite some time.

The Board of Directors has lifted the suspension of in-person activities as of June 1, 2021, subject to the following restrictions (copied verbatim from item VI in the Board’s resolution):

1. Masks that fully cover the mouth and nose must be worn by all attendees over the age of 4 at all times and during all activities except for eating and drinking;

2. Court, bardic circles, or any activity that involves voice projection shall also require that masks be worn at all times. Sound amplification devices are highly recommended;

3. No day board, water bearing, or food of any kind shall be provided by event staff or attendees to other attendees. All attendees must provide their own food and beverages;

4. While consuming food or beverages, attendees are required to remain stationary and follow social distancing rules;

5. No overnight camping shall be allowed;

6. All events shall be held outdoors;

7.There shall be a maximum of 150 people at any event; and

8. All events shall require preregistration.

As has been stated all along, any and all state, provincial, or local health regulations and guidelines will of course need to be followed, including keeping up with changes to government policy based on updated information. Be aware that some local jurisdictions have stricter requirements than their state/province. We also strongly recommend following the safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control. The Society Seneschal further notes, regarding the prohibition on the event providing food or beverage: At this time, individual, sealed, commercial bottles of water may be provided by the event to attendees if necessary.

Within the scope of state & local requirements and the Board’s guidelines, the Crown and Seneschal of the East Kingdom strongly encourage all gatherings  to remain explicitly very small — martial & A&S practices, guild and other topic-specific meetings, small events. The Kingdom Earl Marshal will provide specific guidance about martial practices.

If in-person business meetings resume, the meeting must also include a virtual component so that as many members of the group who wish to attend may do so.

Additional Requirements for East Kingdom in-person activities (June 1, 2021):

1. Do not attend an in-person activity if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (

If you have an underlying condition which increases your risk, strongly consider your own health and safety before attending an in-person activity (

2. In addition to the requirements of state/province and local governments and the SCA Inc.’s Board of Directors, in-person gatherings in the East Kingdom at this time must:

A. Submit a plan to their local seneschal (except martial practices, who submit their

plans as directed by the Kingdom Earl Marshal)

(i) Showing that the type and size of the gathering is allowed under current state/province/local guidelines (copy of the relevant part of government re-opening language is sufficient).

(ii) Showing the organizer’s specific plans for complying with government and these Kingdom guidelines.

(iii) If the organizer is the group’s local seneschal, the plan must be submitted to the group’s regional deputy

(iv) The local seneschal or regional deputy must approve the plan in writing via their official East Kingdom email address before the activity can take place

(v) Once a local or regional seneschal approves an event, they must email it to the Kingdom Seneschal for record-keeping.

B. Have sign-in sheets for contact tracing

(i) Full legal name

(ii) Society name
          (iii) Current phone number or email address

(iv) Minors will be signed in under their parent’s contact information

(v) Contact tracing sheets will be retained by the activity organizer and will not be added to a database or other Kingdom records

C. Specific requirements for martial practices, including reporting, will be provided by the Kingdom Earl Marshal

3. At this time, the Board of Directors has indicated that they will not allow anything that requires any sort of communication of medical information. This means that vaccines and negative COVID tests are off the table. Should a site owner or local government require something like this, we'd have to revisit it for a variance from the Society Seneschal; please email the Kingdom Seneschal. If the Board’s position changes, these guidelines will be updated. We can follow CDC guidelines in addition to state/local public health policy. 

We look forward to a slow and careful re-opening of the Kingdom and a return to the activities that all have missed so much. We hope to see you soon.

In service to the East Kingdom,

Medhbh, Kingdom Seneschal

Tindal and Alberic, Consules of the East

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